Investigations, Laboratory Tests, Geotechnical and Geomechanical Studies.
- Programming of site and laboratory geognostic investigations & relevant technical specifications.
- Supervision of site and laboratory investigations.
- Data analysis and interpretation.
- Geotechnical studies, including definition of geotechnical design parameters, appraisal of local and overall stability of excavations, embankments and foundation works.
- Design and technical specifications of monitoring systems, including processing and interpretation of measurements.
Seismic Risk Evaluation and Dynamic Analysis of Structures
- Seismic risk analysis of the project area.
- Modelling and analysis of the local seismic response, evaluation of the dynamic parameters of the Maximum Credible Earthquake and of the Design Earthquake.
- Finite element mathematical models for the study of dynamic interaction between a structure and its foundation.
- Appraisal of liquefaction phenomena.
Physical Hydraulic Models
- Definition of the hydraulic design features worth to be analyzed through physical models.
- Preparation of technical specifications and planning of tests.
- Assistance during tests, analysis and interpretation of results.
Mathematical Models
- Finite element models (FEM) to calculate distribution of stresses in the structures, in the corresponding foundations and in the rock masses.
- Finite element models for the static and dynamic analysis of loose material dams and underground works, adopting different behavior laws for soils and rocks.
- Finite difference and finite element models for the analysis of seepage and consolidation problems.
- Models for the study of free and pressure flow water discharge and transients in hydraulic systems.
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04 Maggio 2012
Ultimo aggiornamento 29 Luglio 2013
ELC Electroconsult SpA